Saturday, April 11, 2020

Introduction: All Text Types

Click the link below to watch me introducing text types:

Info-graphic below is adapted from Scholastic
Today, Ker is going the list out TYPES OF TEXTS, which she'll be elaborating one by one starting from next blog post onwards.

Attached are the ones we'll be discussing thoroughly in times to come. Ker will also introduce some picture books which we could use to elicit every text type, helping pupils to understand them better and then make both reading and language (especially English) learning more fun.

Here are some of the common text types: 

what's wrong with grey?

In addition, Ker will also share some confusing 'text types' and further explain their differences or similarities.

Now, comment below and tell Ker how many text types haven't you come across? She is passionate to know.

-  t h e  e n d  -

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Introduction 1.3: Text Types: Crosswords

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