Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Introduction 1.3: Text Types: Crosswords

What is it?
A crossword is a game in which you have to fit words across and downwards into spaces with numbers in a square diagram.

How to use Microsoft Word to create crosswords templates?

Watch the video where Ker explains thoroughly here:

1. List out all vocabularies (according to themes / books) in Microsoft Word.
2. Insert table and start typing in the letters (vocabularies) into the grids until completed.
3. Standardise the case simultaneously using the "Change Case" feature.
4. Unborder the table and then "carve" the crosswords template using the "Border" feature.
5. Copy your work once before labeling. Remember to shrink the font of the numbers (labels).
6. Save your work as PDF / an image using Snipping Tool.

Now, comment below and tell Ker whether the tips are useful.

-  t h e  e n d  -

Introduction 1.3: Text Types: Crosswords

What is it? A crossword is a game in which you have to fit words across and downwards into spaces with numbers in a square diagram. 纵横字谜;纵横填...